People long to stand out and be unique. Sometimes it’s with the way they dress or carry themselves. Other times people like to show off their style through more lavish means such as customized cars. Others go even further and would like to own a home that would simply catch the eye of every passerby.
Converting some items into homes may be a way of expressing yourself or it might be a means to save on money since it is economical to just build a home around something that is already standing. Here we have a list of homes that are made of modes of transportations!

Houses Made Of Transportation Items
Shipping Container
Probably the most logical out of all the transportation items out there that can be converted into a home is the shipping container. Since it has a regular shape (rectangular) all you need to do is design its interiors and make it more homey! The shipping container has long been used as living spaces for some time now. It doesn’t take up much space and it’s pretty easy to convert into a home. Many countries found the shipping container to be an ideal living space, even setting up small communities for people who are in need of a place they can call their own. Shipping containers are easy to transport too!
School Bus
A man recently converted a school bus into a tiny mobile home for himself. He isn’t new to this and has actually spent around two decades of his life living in small homes. He seems to enjoy the cramp space a small place provides. In fact he is a well-traveled man and has lived in desert mountains in New Mexico, lush forests in Ecuador and in New Hampshire, mystic beaches in Micronesia, and the plateaus in Guatemala.
Airstream Trailer
A woman named Nadise grew up in an apartment on the 20th floor of a building. Being detached from the ground for such a long time, the woman wanted to own a home but still longed to maintain a small space. Living in a trailer park would have been a logical choice, but Nadise found the rules stifling. Fortunately there was an airstream trailer for rent in her town in Northern California. It is indeed a tiny home, measuring only about a couple of hundred feet but what’s important to Nadise is that it gives her all the things she needs, including a flush toilet, shower, and bathtub! Nadise was a shopaholic and always found it to be therapeutic but recently she had been downsizing her purchases and instead goes to thrift shops and garage sales.

Airstream Trailer
Now, this is a home that would get any conversation going! A house made of an airplane or its parts would be an interesting dwelling place for anyone. If you think again about it, an airplane is a pretty smart choice to convert into a home because it already has a working toilet. All you needed to do was to remove the seats to make room for appliances like a refrigerator and a stove and oven. If you want to own an airplane home, you would have to visit your local junkyard to buy one. These are airplanes that can’t be flown anymore because of age or because of cuts in the airplane’s feet. What’s nice about an airplane home is that the area is basically the same as a normal house, just with a more unusual shape.
More and more people are getting into converting some modes of transportation into livable space and it’s a smart, convenient, and practical means to live. It will also help the environment!