The working styles of most people have changed since 2020, and it’s not a bad thing. But working from home has its challenges too. Especially if you haven’t converted space into an office or don’t have a designated working area in the house. If you spend several hours working from home every day, you need to create a working environment in a specific area to make it easy for you. Here are some things you can do to create a functional space even if you don’t have a spare bedroom. Check out which parts of the house have minor traffic and note them down. You want an area where you won’t be bothered throughout the day and where you can get a lot of natural light. You will also need a few charging points within the range so that you can put your laptop or mobile on charging immediately, preferably without getting up.

How To Work From Home Without An Office Space
1. Work The Windows
You need natural light while working during the day, but setting the workspace right in front of the window could be bad. It can become a constant source of distraction, and you will be tempted to daydream while looking outside too. So make sure the window is nearby, but you are not facing that way.
2. Set Up The Desk
You can make any nook in your workstation for the day by adding a chair to a table. Organize the table with everything you need, stationary, work essentials, laptop, charger, etc. Make sure to have a storage space where you can place all the files and papers. Keep a snack, water bottle, and a small dustbin nearby.
3. Create Boundaries With The Family
Based on where you decide to work at home, you will find your family members calling on you and neighbors stopping by. You will have to talk to everyone in the family and let them know not to disturb you during certain hours and make sure to work in that time frame as much as possible. If you are on call or in meetings a lot and don’t want too much noise in the background, keep the room’s door closed and ask everyone to knock before coming in.
4. Backdrops Are Important
After the work from home system started, regular video conferences were the new normal. So you will need an appropriate backdrop that will serve as a background in your video calls. Although working from home is the new normal, it is still not okay to attend meetings in your PJs with the location of your messy room. Make sure to keep your back to the wall that looks good on a call. Everyone works from home nowadays, but that’s no excuse for being unprofessional.
5. Organize
Keep your desk tidy at all times. Make sure to clean up each day after work so that when you come to work the next day, you don’t have to start with an unclean desk, and you will be able to get right down to work immediately.

6. Ensure Good Posture
This is something to keep in mind if you work a desk job at home or an office. Don’t forget to move around every half hour so that your limbs don’t get stiff. Give your eyes a little rest from the screen every 20 minutes or so. So work in 30 minutes sessions and get up for a few minutes to have some water or freshen up.