Did you know that the power of our habits is about 40% of what we do daily? Most of the things we do are done automatically without thinking. This means that the secret to success, happiness, productivity, creativity, and career growth is in the routines. If you train yourself to do something every day, it will seep into your subconscious, and you will do it daily without fail or effort later on. Habits can be that powerful, so it is essential to instill all the good ones so that you can easily be productive and maintain them for as long as you require. As Will Durant said, “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” Even though the word “routine” makes us think about the mundane parts of our life, the routine that we follow daily is actually what makes us feel the way we think. Our practices are powerful in helping us cope with difficult situations; they can comfort us, make us feel confident, boost our mental health, and provide meaning to our lives. It was found in the early pandemic worldwide that disrupting your daily routine can harm you psychologically. Here are the good and bad effects of having a daily routine –

Impact Of Having A Routine On Productivity
Helps You Understand Your Priorities
If you work on specific tasks every day, know they are essential for the smooth functioning of your life, work, or household. You can build your routines based on your priorities or understand your preferences based on your habits.
Boost Cognitive Function And Health
If you don’t have to think about what to do next, figure out your priorities every day, and make many choices in the morning about what to do during the day, then you free up a lot of cognitive energy for others and more critical tasks. Automating some of the functions is best to focus where you want.
Gives Meaning To Your Life
Since you can do your chores and tasks on autopilot because of your routine, you can be conscious in your free time and appreciate what you have. But this can turn into a weakness because if your performance is disrupted, you might start feeling useless and without a purpose. When the pandemic hit, many people found too much time on their hands with nothing to do, making them feel very aimless.
You Have More Energy And Free Time
This conserved energy gives you mental space and a lot of power you can put in for other activities. If you have a routine, you will not feel overwhelmed by the end of the day and still find fuel for a walk or fun activities with friends.

You Have More Energy And Free Time
It makes You Creative And Drives You Forward
It has been found that we can make a limited number of choices daily. If you use all of them in the morning while deciding what to do and wear, you will have none left to use for your creative pursuits. If you want to engage in your work, you must be boring everywhere else. That’s why so many billionaires have decided to wear only one type of clothes, like a uniform, so they don’t have to waste their energy deciding on their outfits. So think about your daily life and see which part of it needs optimizing and which one needs to be cut out. Remember – You are what you repeatedly do!