No matter how big the home is, every homeowner is dealing with cramped up space in their kitchen. When it comes to storage, you need to do some DIY and implement some creativity. The cabinets and the platform that you have installed in the kitchen should be able to serve multiple purposes so that you can fit in a lot more in a smaller space. If you are planning on creating a smart storage system, the very basic idea is to keep everything organized and uncluttered. No matter how many cabinets and shelves you get, it will not work if the stuff kept in it is unorganized.In this blog, we have tried to compile a list of a few tips and ideas that will turn out to be quite helpful.

Tips To Create Storage In Your Kitchen
The ideas that we are going to discuss here will contain smart tips to transform your cabinet system, adding more storage in the dead areas, and much more. When you will look closely, a significant part of the counter/platform will be left unused and we will also discuss the ways you can make use of it in an efficient way. These ideas will also not cost you a fortune and with a little bit of creativity and some DIY, you can get it all done by yourself.
Now, without any further adieu, let’s dive into the ideas that you are waiting for so patiently.
Create Cabinets For Cutting Boards
Every kitchen space will have a number of cutting boards and one can never find them in one place. This simple trick will give you the capability to keep it organized. What you can do is create vertical space below the platform where you organize the boards according to the size of the material.
Higher Cabinets
Well, the most unused space in the home is the wall. The same goes for the kitchen where you can make use of high walls. You might counter it with the question of how one will be able to access it all the time. Well, you can keep the things that you don’t use on a regular basis. Not only it will add some space, but you will also be able to keep the lesser-used items out of sight.

Higher Cabinets
Create Hangers For Utensils
There will be a lot of items in your kitchen that you don’t need to keep on the shelf. You can put them on a hanger and it will give you better accessibility along with a better visual appeal. What you can do is create hanging space for all the items that come with some sort of handle on it.
Get Creative With Corners
When you will be adding shelves below the platform, you might face some obstructions when it comes to corners. If you are just adding the vertical shelves, the corner area below the platform will be completely left unused. What you can do is go with some customized cabinet design and make the best use of that space.
Keep The Appliances Flushed
Every kitchen will have a number of appliances and you can enhance the look completely by keeping them out of sight. The cabinets that are built these days are done in such a way that you can place appliances like microwave, mixer, etc., inside them. It will also add significant space on the counter.
Make Use Of Space Above The Window
If your kitchen has a window, you can get a sturdy shelf to put the items you don’t use on a regular basis. You can make use of the space without spending huge amounts. It is a somewhat similar concept as the high-ceiling cabinets but it will be accessible quite easily. You can keep it open or give it a glass cabinet for a better look.