Working from home is the new normal from 2020, but for most of us, it has been counterproductive when it comes to our health. We all have been living a sedentary life, but this new system has taken it to the extreme. We have realized that we do not need to step outside even to get groceries. What little exercise we used to do while commuting to and fro from work, going to the market, etc., has been removed from the equation. This has resulted in a decrease in social life, and when no one notices you regularly, you tend to slack off. You don’t just eat when you are hungry. You start eating because you are bored. Most people have developed unhealthy eating habits and unhealthy habits in general during the lockdown. But if you want to stay healthy and have an excellent work-life, you need to make some changes in your day-to-day eating habits. Here are some tips on how to eat healthy while working from home.

Eating Healthy When You Are Working From Home
1. Make An Eating Schedule
There should be no “I will eat some chips/crackers while working.” Just like when you are in the office, you should set a lunch break, small breaks for snacks, dinner break if needed, and have breakfast before starting work. If you are on your snack break, you do not get a coffee and a packet of chips to your office area. You go to the kitchen instead, put on a 15 minutes timer, have your snack, and come back to your desk when your break is over. This is the most effective technique to ensure that you do not overeat.
2. Limit Coffee Time
The consumption of coffee has increased since the lockdown started, but the timing is the problem. Drinking four to five cups of coffee (400 mg) is not ideal, but still okay if you drink it before noon. Drinking it after the first half of the day will cause problems in your sleep cycle. So make sure to limit your coffee time in the mornings and drink something else during snack time.
3. Prepare Your Water Beforehand
Most people have trouble drinking their daily six glasses of water despite reminders. One thing you can do to increase hydration is to make your water fun and effortless. If you like flavored water or cold water, prepare it beforehand and put the water bottle on your desk within reaching distance. As long as it is in your eyesight, you will keep drinking it. Preparing the water beforehand is the most critical part because many people don’t just forget to drink water but delay it as they will have to get up and walk to the kitchen. Remove such simple discomforts and make the process of hydration simple.
4. Stop Buying Unhealthy Snacks
When you are working and feel like snacking, you rummage through the cabinets to find something tasty and see that you have no junk food. What are you going to do in the middle of the workday? Go out and buy more? No. You will eat fruits or healthy snacks. When you don’t have the option of binge-eating unhealthy food items, you won’t binge eat. Don’t even buy one packet because it will tempt you, and you will have it immediately on your first snack break and then buy the next packet during the next time you go grocery shopping.

Stop Buying Unhealthy Snacks
5. Track What You Eat
You must have expected some radical changes when you came to this article, but these little things are the ones that will make the most difference in your eating habits. Just writing down what you ate today will make a huge difference as you are conscious about what you are eating. So give these tips a try and see how it affects you!