Factors Responsible For A Good Lifestyle In Developed Countries: Top 5

Published on 04/13/2022

In a perfect parallel world, there will be no one jotting down the list of developed and developing countries. The pandemic has taught us that we are yet very far away from the spot where we can say that the world is a perfect place to live. Various changes have occurred in the past couple of years, and our vision toward several things has completely changed. The countries in their developing phase were majorly struck by it, and their economy has suffered a considerable toll. The primary culprit behind it was the lockdown that was implemented to check the spread of the pandemic. However, in this blog, we will discuss a few developed countries and how the lifestyle there is. Yes, the pandemic didn’t affect all the countries equally. The developed countries’ resources helped them sustain and avoid a significant impact. If we discuss the US alone, the billionaires could grow their wealth by $637 billion, whereas on the flip side, a commoner wasn’t even able to pay for essentials. These are the top 5 countries that can provide an excellent lifestyle to their citizens.

Factors Responsible For A Good Lifestyle In Developed Countries Top 5

Factors Responsible For A Good Lifestyle In Developed Countries Top 5


United Kingdom

The country has a wide range of positives to offer. There are numerous aspects where it can perform much better than the other countries. Employment, education, and income perform much above the average mark. The age group of 15 to 64 is employed in the majority at a whopping 75%. The men and women that have a paid job stand at 79% and 72%, respectively. In terms of education, 82% of the people from the age group of 25 to 64 have completed their higher secondary education. The OECD has set the average level of 79%.


Among all the developed countries, my personal favorite in Finland. If your top priority is education, you should get here. It is free of cost here. Not just the primary and secondary students will also get a university education free of charge. It covers the peripheral expenses, as well. For the students living more than 5 km away from the school premises, the transportation is also free. The country is also in the top 5 countries where the pay scale is large. Also, the government has topped the WHR index for the fourth time now.


If you plan to spend the rest of your life in a developed nation, Austria is one of the best places to choose from. Not just the quality of life high, but you will also witness the freedom of the press and human rights be widely practiced. Along with it, the country also boasts of the best education and transportation services. These are the few aspects that help you shape your life. The country’s healthcare infrastructure is also quite impressive with basic services available to everyone completely free of cost.




In several studies posted by different experts, Canada has managed to remain on top regarding quality of living. With a total population of under 40 million, the country’s climate comes with a delicious variation. The country’s healthcare is also quite well established, and the diverse, multicultural background of the government allows it to welcome everyone with warm hearts. The presence of nature is also highly mesmerizing, and it adds up to the overall quality of life. The right balance between nature and development has allowed it to keep a check on pollution.